I will first describe what I have done to cause this bug and then continue to describe what exactly is the bug.
- Create a C++ class inheriting from UActorComponent called UCallback with the class specifiers: BlueprintType, Blueprintable, EditInlineNew.
- Create a C++ class inheriting from UActorComponent called UInteractable
- Add a TArray as property to Interactable and add the specifiers: EditAnywhere, Instanced, Category
- Create a blueprint inheriting from UCallback, CustomCallback
- In the level editor, spawn an actor and attach a UInteractable component.
- In the array property add an element an as class select the blueprint. You will see that an actor component has been attached to the actor named CustomCallback_C_0; it is a native component.
- Remove all items from the array
When you are done, the component CustomCallback_C_0 is still attached although it was deleted and furthermore it cannot be remove from the actor as it is a native component; they will only appear once the editor has been restarted.