Error trying to save blueprint - v4.10.2

After upgrading to 4.10.2 I’m getting this error a lot when trying to save blueprints:

"Can’t save …/…/…/…/…/…/UEProjects/LabyrinthLarry/Content/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/LabyrinthGenerator.uasset: Graph is linked to private object(s) in an external package.
External Object(s):

Try to find the chain of references to that object (may take some time)?"

I have never had this problem before. I have to completely close out of the editor, reload it and then (of course) remake my last BP changes and resave them to get them to actually save. (Thankfully I know enough to save FREQUENTLY!) This happens after I make a change in my C++ code and recompile through Visual Studio Community 2015. Haven’t noticed yet if it happens if I use the in-editor c++ “compile” .

I was just able to confirm (at first) that if I were to go in and make a change to my C++ source and used the in-editor Compile button, it didn’t give me the error when I made changes to my Blueprint.

So I changed what I had changed earlier and used the F7 key in VSC2015 to recompile, and it gave me the error again.

I was able to reproduce this problem a quite a few times (because I wanted to be absolutely sure I could reproduce it over and over again) but on one of the compiles I suddenly got a whole slew of messages about removing “old hot reload” files, and now I’m not able to reproduce the error anymore it seems.

It appears there was something with old Hot Reload files that were getting in the way. But since the compiler removed them, the error hasn’t come back.

If you have a very precise repro (open the project, do x, hit save) can you share your project with Epic? You can PM me a link on the [forums][1].


That’s good to know at least. I’ve found a bug in our database that is flagged for 4.12. The bug number is UE-21554 and I’ve mentioned this post in the ticket.

We’ll update when a fix is made there.