#include "Runtime/UMG/Public/Components/ProgressBar.h" not compiling

Hi there,

I am new to UE and trying to create a game using the strategy game assets in a melee game, using c++.
I am actually trying to display life of ennemy over there head using a widget progress bar, facing the camera (yes like a billboard).

But i have an issue in my AGladiatorCharacter.cpp and including “Runtime/UMG/Public/Components/ProgressBar.h” does not compiling, it seems that USlateBrushAsset is not reconised.
I added “UMG” “Slate” and “SlateCore” in my modules, and regenereted visual studio files.

Here are the errors i get:

I am missing something ?

Thank you very much,

Well, i just had to include the different dependencies on the top of #include “ProgressBar.h”.