Material Lerp Glitch

This is a very strange glitch I found, I tried to record it as a gif but the constrained fps made it not show up but I recorded the screen:

Saturated colors are randomly blinking.

This is the post processing material setup:

Without the Lerp the glitch does not occur. The Scalar Parameter is also important. Using just a constant makes the glitch not occur either. This is a setup to get just lighting which works with simple diffuse materials. I noticed that without the desaturation I get black lighting where the the base color is very saturated, that black occurs when I put the result in a cheap contrast node or desaturate that. So there might be another bug/glitch here.

I would have used a static switch instead of Lerp but that is currently bugged, at least with post processing materials.

Hi Davision -

Thank You for your report, I have been able to reproduce the issue and have placed a report, for reference UE-16704.

Eric Ketchum