Currently, any attempt to render objects created with the foliage tool crashes the UE4 editor on my machine.
Create a new first person project, attempt to place foliage of any sort - It crashes with default settings.
I am running debian ‘jessie’ linux.
The error occurs when using Nvidia drivers 340.65-2, 346.59, and 349.16 - The driver version doesn’t seem to matter.
I have tested two different versions of UE. The first using an unmodified version of this ( https://github.com/3dluvr/UnrealEngine ) version of the unreal engine. I built from source around May 5th, and there have been no changes to the repo since then. The second was built from the mainline UE4.8 git repo, as of the morning of May 7th. The error occurs identically in both cases, but the above logs are from the UE 4.7-linux trial.
I tried numerous different meshes - Ferns, grasses, bog myrtle, chairs, the simple cube. All had the same problem.
I also tried placing the meshes on various forms of landscape, rather than the default room that UE4 provides, which didn’t affect the problem.
This crash can occur instantly if the instanced rendering is enabled in the viewport, or it can be postponed until I attempt to play the game if I turn off the instanced rendering in the editor viewport, so the crash appears to be related to rendering the foliage, rather than merely placing it.
Please let me know if there’s anything else I can be doing here!
Edited May 7th to add new version attempt and use bright orange headers, like a cool kid.