CPU particle collision doesn't work properly in game

Hi. I have read several similar questions on AnwserHub but I still can’t find a solution. And since the problem persists in the latest release 4.7.1, I decide to post this question. Recently, I am following the particle system video tutorial on UE4 website and having problem with CPU particle collision.

So the problem is like this:

  1. I dragged a CPU particle system into the level directly (i.e. it’s not a component of a BP or spawned in-game);
  2. Collision works fine in the editor window;
  3. No collision occurs if I play the game in a new editor window;
  4. When played in the current viewport or as a separate process, collision occurs when the camera is far from the particles but collision disappears when the camera gets close to the particles.

Additional Information:
I am using UE 4.7.1 (binary) on OS X 10.10.2

Hey ChucklingDinosaur -

Thank you for your report. I was able to reproduce this behavior and opened a ticket to investigate the cause, for reference UE-11854. As our investigation continues I will keep you informed.

Thank You Again -

Eric Ketchum