31 Days/- Feedback

Me and my small group of friends have been developing in unreal 4 for a few months. We have made some small games using if. So we thought its time for some actual game game and release it. The name is 31 Days and is a four player co-op game. So we really some feedback and tips on improving it.

You and your friends are stuck in an abandoned outpost in a forest. Every day you are attacked by a strange and dangerous tribe of people who don’t seem human and every day come with more people and stronger enemies. You have go survive for 30 days. Every 10 days an enemy boss comes to the fight. All enemies are melee type except archers and assassins and bosses who use modern weapons. There will be three bosses each will drop a keycard opening a room in the basement filled with better weapons and ammunition.
On the 31st day you have to fight their leader the only one with human intelligence. Once you defeat him he tells you all the story of his tribe, why they didn’t the outpost and its weapons and give a radio using which you call for an extraction. There will be a hunger system and there will be 5-6 enemy camps where they collect food and your only way to live is to attack these camps and take their food. Every six in game days they will respawn but with higher difficulty. And all of them will be places such that the enemies will have a strategic advantage. Players will have revive each other if one falls and start over if all die. There is a good chance you encounter assassins at the outpost or in the forest so you all will have to stay alert.

Please review it provide tips and feedback and whether we should make it or not?
(I had posted it earlier but while editing it got deleted)