I am looking at report generated by visual studio code analysis (bEnableCodeAnalysis flag).
void FLightMap2D::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
else if( Ar.IsLoading() && Ar.UE4Ver() < VER_UE4_LOW_QUALITY_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTMAPS )
for(uint32 CoefficientIndex = 0;CoefficientIndex < 3;CoefficientIndex++)
Ar << Textures[CoefficientIndex];
Ar << ScaleVectors[CoefficientIndex];
Ar << AddVectors[CoefficientIndex];
ScaleVectors[0].W *= 11.5f;
AddVectors[0].W = ( AddVectors[0].W - 0.5f ) * 11.5f;
ScaleVectors[1] *= FVector4( -0.325735f, 0.325735f, -0.325735f, 0.0f );
AddVectors[1] *= FVector4( -0.325735f, 0.325735f, -0.325735f, 0.0f );
AddVectors[1].W = 0.282095f;
/** The textures containing the light-map data. */
ULightMapTexture2D* Textures[2];
As you see Textures array has only 2 indexes.