Tell me, I have three skeletons in blueprint, two are attached to one, how to make it so that the animation plays on all from the main one and not each one has to be configured?
If the skeletons are matching, you can use SetLeaderPoseComponent on the attached ones, and pass the main one as the leader
You can do that in the Construction Script (so that it works in the Blueprint editor as well) or Begin Play
yes, everything is correct, thank you, tell me what the checkboxes are for on this node
Defaults should be the most common use case
From reading the code, setting InFollowerShouldTickPose
to true will also allow the child components to broadcast pose updates, which is not really used for much at the moment
It will also update Rate Optimizations if you have that enabled on the mesh
But it’s not really common to want that enabled, since in Leader/Follower setups, the leader component should be the one that you care about, the rest are just following
just redoes the whole setup even if the same Leader is passed. Can’t really think of a reason why you’d need to do that to be honest.
thank you, everything is clear
Bro, someone told me that skeletal merging plugin is better for optimization, is it true?
It will be better runtime performance yes
There are a couple of methods you can use to merge characters, each with their own pros and cons
This page explains the different methods
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