3 different camera views, different controls.

I need help getting 3 different views, with differing controls.
I started with a first person view. Then created a camera that I can toggle to show 3rd person, and one to show over shoulder.
I can toggle these cameras just fine. They all work, and show what they should.

Except for the glaring downside that the player controls are always the same.
But I need the controls to be different per camera.
I need the mouse to control player direction, with A and D controlling strafing for first person view.

Then in third person I need A and D to turn left or right, and the mouse control pitch and Yaw of camera, as well as subtle movement of pawn.

In over shoulder, again I should just have strafing, with looking around.

Please help, I cant for the life of me figure out how to do this!! I just started learning UE4 blueprints 6 days ago. Any help wuld be greatly appreciated.


You could use a Enum that has the current camera view in it.
Then you just check what view it(the enum) is set to when handeling inputs in the player controller.