2nd tutorial gone wrong. Target: connection; should be easiest thing out there

UE4.26. email address:
This is my second attempt at a HUD system/widget. This 2nd person has a tutorial on youtube, i’m two clips in. Luckily now am able to pick things up, “destroy” feature of it all. This moment the rendering of the inventory/backpack or sachel will happen when these two nodes link; because the next step is did for pressing button to appear tactile with items on screen. The marked halt is at the CANVAS panel: HUD widget. Marking it :Canvas Panel: as a check box variable as recommended in the tutorial isn’t the fix. Possibly wont link due to another tutorial’s hud system which mind you effective for health bar, stamina bar, magic bar, and “favor/deity/renown” bar and the experience bar. Sprint is set up, jump is set up. I’m able to pick up “destroy” items due to current tutorial part one, meanwhile stuck at tutorial part two at 17min and 50seconds. Attached is the youtube video. The other tutorial set is from titanic games via youtube. Is there a variable/link to append this matter? or can someone reach out and “SHARE SCREEN” with me in order to get this function of a working inventory to work. It’s the basis and not by far the most advanced layout. email address:

You’re doing things backwards and there is method to the blueprint madness; blueprints are context sensitive and the context menu will provide sensible choices that make sense if you drag the wire first.

If you compare what you’ve got to the way the author of the video does, you’ll notice things are different. You’ve plopped 2 nodes which immediately give you errors as they don’t understand what’s required of them.

Do try again, following the method in the video around mark 18:00:

Unless you really know what you’re doing, taking advantage of Context Sensitive works pretty well. Also, not sure why your questions end up as C++ …

No. I did not do this wrong. Could it possibly be due to another HUD in activity? When I enter play mode, the Health bar, mana bar, stamina bar; experience bar and favor bar are active. The favor bar being omit its active threshold of perse 100 but nevertheless, it is running. I intend to create a new video and will show either completion in another new project with this same mentioned photo to see if things went askew due to the Hud in my current project. I adore the equipment inventory that is captured at the moment in my active play. So, i want to keep that because the character is breathing within the framework due to camera “charactercamera” having manaquin in place outside the skysphere.
P.s. i love phone numbers and active chat groups/im message.

No. I did not do this wrong. Could it
possibly be due to another HUD in

Not really, it seems you’re confusing things. You’re not following the tutorial carefully enough. It’s pretty obvious from your image and the image from the tutorial.

Consider doing it again.

Good luck.

So, i want to keep that because the
character is breathing within the
framework due to camera
“charactercamera” having manaquin in
place outside the skysphere.

I want to believe these are Google Translate shenanigans. Can’t wrap my mind around this one :expressionless: