2D Widget overlapping a 3D widget prevents click events on 3D Widget, how to solve?

I have some 3D widgets attached to a rotating assembly that I use Drag and Drop operations on. I also have a 2D widget drawn on screen.
The issue is, at the point where the 3D widgets and the 2D widget overlap, the 2D widget prevents the mouse down event from being carried out in the 3D widget. How can I prevent this? Is there a way to make the 2d widget go under the 3D widgets so that my first interaction with the mouse is the 3D widget and not the 2D widget?

Disabling the 2D Widget rids me of the issue

You can try to play with the consume input portiom of the click action.

Or you can enable a custom click capture on both and pass the focus/event to the undelying widget.

But thats really not what you are doing.
You are essential click and drag -ing.

Treat it the same / read up how its done in html/js to get the basic gist of it.

Re-code things to use the same idea.

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Thank you!! I’ll look into these methods!