I am using the 2D Side Scroller template. I created a sprite that is just a fully white PNG.
When I place the white sprite into my level, it is not fully white. I know this because I have a HUD that covers part of my screen that is fully white, and the sprite in my level is significantly darker than that.
I tried to use a white material as well, but any material in my level regardless of color is completely black.
If you open the .png in editor does it appear correct?
If it does not appear white in the texture asset viewer, then some import/ texture settings are incorrect.
Check the ‘compression settings’ and ‘sRGB’ and ‘encoding override’
If it looks fine in the editor, but appear incorrect when running the game, there is probably a lighting or post-process volume effecting it.
You can test this by changing the shader (or viewmode) to Unlit, and seeing if that fixes it.