Well hmm, if you set the SetDiretionEnum variable in my example as the key is being pressed, can’t you then use that to check for which pose to use for the animation whether moving or not moving?
GetMoveUpward = ?
GetMoveSideways = ?
If GetMoveUpward AND GetMoveSideways = 0, set moving False, Else (If not 0), set moving True
If Moving = True, set moving anim pose to SetDirectionEnum, Else (False), set idle anim pose to SetDirectionEnum
If the above is what you’re looking for, I think that’s what I have going on in my example. Maybe it isn’t working as intended but it should be sort of on the right track?
Since the custom event SwitchMovementEnum is on the event tick, it is always being updated. If no keys are being pressed, both Get MoveUpward and MoveSideways will be zero, which will set the moving variable to false. Which then sets the switch off of the directionEnum to an Idle animation. If moving is true, set the switch off directionEnum to a moving anim.
Instead of using an enum to set poses, you could use an integer. Example, on the key press UP after checking if MoveUpward is > 0, set this integer to 0 and set moving to true. On release of the UP key do nothing. Do this for all the key presses, but add 1 to the integer for each key. So up = 0, down = 1, right = 2, left = 3. Now use this this integer to set your pose.
Which would be the same thing as using the enum variable, I think… Heh