I am trying to create a top down 2D game to learn some basic stuff in UE4.
The issue i ran into is the following:
The PaperCharacter blueprint relies on the capsule component as root collision object.
I need a different behaviour, i need a rectangle collision object. I found no way to achieve that, even adding a collision box as a sub component and setting that one’s behaviour to block all while disabling the collision for the capsule doesnt work.
To explain what i want to achieve:
Imagine a grid on which the player can move his sprite. There is a plane beneath the grid that acts as a kill-collision object. The sprite is being moved over various tiles (moving/not-moving), these have “step-on” enabled. So far so good.
I have moving collision objects on that grid - so if the player collides with them he gets killed. The issue is that the collision check between player sprite and moving object is based on the capsule - while it should be based on the collision box that i have.
Hope that made it clear, main question i have is - can i have a root collision object in a sprite character that is NOT a capsule ?
Hey Sarge, I was having the same problem, to fix it I left the capsule with it’s default shape values and I created a box wich its not attached to anything, If it still does not work try raising the “y” values of the box.
I really need your help on this Neil. I am on version 4.4.2 and after following your directions, only collision of the capsule is recognized. Could you make a few screenshots to show me please? I would greatly appreciate it.
Currently there is no way to replace the capsule component. The way the system handles floor checks inside paper 2d is actually to create a box(!) to prevent sliding off ledges. See my post at the paper2d forum. Collision implementation in paper2d is a little rough at the moment but I hope they will fix it soon as 2d games demand different things than 3D ones.
I may have misread your suggestion initially and the OP’s question. I know how to add collision as your image shows, but I was looking to disable the capsule collision and enable a box collision for character movement.
If I set the capsule to no collision and the box (as your image shows) and set it to block all, the character will fall through objects. Adding a shape seems to work perfectly fine for overlap events, but not collision for movement.
I have same problem. Capsule colision strange behave sometimes then jumping try move then sometimes it floating in air with boxes near player capsule and I want that it fall from corner not sliding like, but stryght and more realistik. Is reason why I need box collision and not capsule in player.
But it seems only in C++ I can this change. In blueprint you can use only capsule collision, but i using only blueprints.
Ideal is not box, but Cylinder…