[2D Sprite] Collision Animation within Actor to fit Sprite

// What I am trying to achieve //

2D enemy that has base collision(s), and weakspot collision(s) that animates to fit the current frame Sprite.

Examples to illustrate the point:

  1. When the slime its attacking, it stretches upwards, so the eye aka weakspot will be higher
  2. In the same flipbook, it reverts back its original shape, so the eye will be lower
  3. It has multiple animations, like idle, and each of the animation will require the base and weakspot collision to conform the the sprites.

The Collision animations are not limited to just Location Transform.
But for starters, I would like the Sphere Collision to move to where the eye is in each frame.

// What I am using //

  1. Paper2D.PaperCharacter as base
  2. Added a Capsule Collision for base Collision detection
  3. Added a Sphere Collision for weakspot Collision detection

//Additional Note//
I found something called “flipbook collision” in this topic:

I did not use it for 3 reasons

  1. I somehow cannot find the feature, nor can I find anything via Google
  2. I also have no idea if it is able to function as I expected it too, since I cannot find the feature
  3. It looks helluva expensive, and I would like to avoid it if possible

Came up with 3 solutions:

  1. Image filter
  2. Enable/Disable predetermined collisions
  3. Move collision based on predetermined markers

Picked (2) in the end.

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