I’m trying to create sidescroller game with the ability to pickup items / drop them. (Attach to my character socket / remove from socket and spawn on current location)
I have tried several ways but they all lead to either not working or working but bringing up errors.
Current way is also giving me bunch of errors.
Those Accessed None’s are telling you that it’s returning null. So first, you need to make sure that when you are casting to pChar, that it’s returning True. If that’s where the states are coming from. Figure out what is actually returning, by using Get Object Name. If anything. If nothing is being returned, which it seems, then you need to figure out how to get what you want to return something.
I am pretty sure some of those without “false” exec, are a problem also. You need a way to figure out how to debug your stuff better, using either “print strings” stating “so and so, returned false at this location” or just by using IsValid nodes appropriately, or have a look at this: