Hello, i’m having a problem with unreal long since. My 2d character dosen’t touch ground but the character movement component says it does. How to fix it? I tried shifting the sprite down but then i have the same problem with the head that touches the ceiling without the player sprite.
Edit: enabling the “simulate physics” on the capsule collider it touches ground perfectally but it can’t be moved.
No, it still dosen’t touch the ground. My player is scaled to 0.04 for a gameplay necessity, maybe it’s this the problem?
Edit: nop with 1 at scale on xyz it still has this constant offset from ground
Edit 2: if you look at this video, my player touches the ground collider with the sphere and next it teleports up to this “ground offset”
Can you scale this character very small and put it on a unreal engine cube and send me a screenshoot of it? I want to make sure it’s a common problem. thx
I see but I can’t believe that it works for you. I tried to do the same stuff with the third person character from ue 5 on a default terrain of ue 5 and it does the same problem. Can you send me a screen like the one i made with the prospectic camera showing the collision in 2d?