Hello, sight after going from 3d sidescroller to flying game, i decided to make 2d paper since it’s more easy to make the character design and animation.
But suddenly, i noticed that the animation of 2d paper is different than those of 3d games and since i only read and watch 3d guides, i noticed that all my knowledge about combat system is useless because it doesn’t have the Notify system in the animation of 2d paper.
Watched some video in UE4 YouTube about 2d paper, and i understood something that there’s a method to add damage that’s through spawning a sprite, but that one that i watched was a laser beam and not a sword or any close combat weapon.
So my question is: If i create a sprite sword with a capsule collision on it, then i put it into a socket of my Main Sprite, does it still has the collision capsule?
My another question: is it possible to actívate and disable the capsule collision? I mean, actívate and disable it through the Main sprite, can you explain or show me a way to do it? (Thought not neccesary if you don’t have)
Edit: Does the damage receiver to an enemy (since i watched a video where the carácter received damage from enemy) of the 2d paper is the same than any 3d games?
Thanks for the answer, i can’t even use my logic to resolve this…