Hi, I was just thinking about doing this for my own project, and how I think I would go about it is like this:
you can use the axis input event that you have bound to walking instead of tick since it’s only gonna be fired when you’re actually walking. So let’s drag of that and check if there is input (take the axis value and check if it’s 0 or not). in your walking loop, you can add another if/branch to check if the character is on the ground (isfalling or what have you) and if it is, then play your footsteploop.
That’s how I would go about it I think.
EDIT: how silly x) from the Paper Flipbook node you can get “Playback Position in Frames” (or seconds) and use that to time your footsteps. Works perfectly for me:)
I think he wants to add footstep sounds when the foot actually makes a step, which is what you can do in 3D easily.
I don’t know the answer though, not used to Paper2D, but you would need to add a “notify” to the walking flipbook, I don’t know if you can do that or not in the current implementation. That’s just something I would first try.
Unfortunately, flipbooks doesn’t have a notfy system implemented yet, that’s why I suggested that. Shouldn’t be too hard to sync up animation and sound but definitely notifies would be the way to go if it was there. Or, of course, if you really really need all the sweet stuff that comes with an animation blueprint you could probably make your character as a plane in a 3d program, animate therein and bring it to ue4 as a planemesh.