2d Idle Jump direction with flipbooks issue

Hey guys I’m having issues with my characters idle jump.
I’m using flip books for my for all of my animation
iv’e got most of my logic down but I’m having issues with idle jumping.

if i do an idle jump left he faces right.

what i need help with is a conditional statement say that if he if facing left he must jump facing left. or if he is facing right he must jump facing the right.

Here is a copy of my current logic

basically all i need is a statement to help me call on the left jump left animation.

please send a screen shot and instruction of how to resolve this.
thanks guys

Instead of relying on your art to handle rotation, try utilizing the node “Set Actor Rotation” based on a bool of your choice (make sure to right click and split the struct pin to access each axis of this rotator on “Set Actor Rotation”).

In this case, I would personally use “IsDefaultRotation”. If “IsDefaultRotation” is true then we set all of the “Set Actor Rotation” inputs to 0 (this will make the character face to the right). If “IsDefaultRotation” is false, then we set the “New Rotation Z” input to -180 (this will make the character face to the left). Set this event to occur when ever the character is moving or the “Velocity X” changes.

On another note, if you are looking to rotate individual parts of your actor, use the node “Set World Location”. For rotating something relative to a parent component, use the node “Set Relative Location”.