2D Directional Block

Im struggling to implement my block system for my 2d side scroller game. Currently my block system is set so then when my character blocks it activates a hitbox in front of my character if an enemy is detected in that hitbox it sets the variable is blocking in my damage systems to true and if the attack can be blocked it gets blocked. This works but the problem is if the player is blocking and gets attacked from both sides simultaneously both attacks will be blocked because the is blocking state is true. Is there a way to change my system so that it can determine if each individual attack should do damage rather than have my character in a block state that stops all damage?

The enemies use hitboxes that activate from notify states in the animation to deal damage rn.

if theres any questions for the blueprints i can screenshot them and send them over.

Hey @Sookweze! Welcome to the forums!

A few questions to help get the ball rolling:

  • Could you post the blueprints as well as screens of where your hitbox is located?
  • If I am reading this right, the core issue is that you want the attack in front of the character to be blocked specifically, and the back to do damage. Is that correct?

Any additional specifics you can provide will go a long way in solving your problem!