2D artist and Animator Required for Wild West Prototype - Off World Industries

My team and I are working on a Wild West game prototype for Off World Industries what can help us to get started on a collab game.

Our prototype is making much progress on the programming, music and audio production and environmental design side.

For our prototype and of course complete game we do need good 2d art work such as a great looking menu, user interface and logo for the game.

We also need good looking and high quality animations for our weapons and characters.

Those 2 requirements we currently cant complete so we are looking for a 2d artist and Animator who are interested to join our team and help us with the prototype and if Off World Industries liked that one of course making the complete game.

The payout is a royalty of the game income and if needed a direct flat fee payout this one we only pay if it is necessary but otherwise you will get paid at the moment we get the first income out of this project.

To get in contact with us please send a Email to:

Or join our Discord group where you also can find progress on the project at: Discord