So now since the 236 patch you can not swing a lightsaber in TPV male or female. Guessing a skeleton change from the handcuff addition has something to do with it. I hope they release a devkit update soon.
Anyone else having any issue since 236?
Do you have a link to your mod? Is it the Flaming Sword mod?
That one actually works fine, it was stark wars that was having the issue but I have sorta fixed it. Apparently something has changed with the TPV_Hatchet_MaleAnimBP. If I use my modified version it doesn’t work. If I set it back to the default hatchet version it does. It has been working with my modified animbp since Dec 18th up until they released 236 so something major has changed. My AnimBP is parented to the hatchet so technically it should have carried over the changes but obviously didn’t.
Note: Issue is only with TPVAnimBP, modded FPV_Lightsaber_AnimBP is working as normal.
Hey, thanks for pointing this out! We’ll try and get a dev kit update out this weekend.
Hey thanks for looking into it. After many tests, it turns out I really don’t need the TPV AnimBP anymore now that it appears it is using the FPV sprint sound I added which it wasn’t before so somethign else changed too lol. But for now it’s no longer an issue for me.
BTW, not directly related but as of 236, 2 of 5 of the blasters in Stark Wars no longer support custom colored lasers. (IE: Color region 1 and thats what color the laser is) I have already resolved it by making new projectile bp’s but it’s kind of weird that it only happened to 2 since they all share the same texture where the color parameter is located. I triple checked the graphwork for the colorization and all 5 projectile setups are identical so I am totally lost as to what happened but as I said it was fixed by making new projectiles for the 2 affected weapons. I should probably mention that I have not even clicked on a projectile bp in 2 weeks since I got the colorization working and as far as I can remember they were working last night but can’t be 100% positive because I honestly wasn’t paying attention. I can however be sure that they were in fact working 2 days ago.
Thanks! I will see what I’m able to find