206.0 ADK is LIVE!!!

hopefully they realized they stuffed up and are opening everything and getting there . together for once :smiley:

Ok lets just take a few exmples here.
Arma II : released on steam 29 jun 2010 ( 6+ years and people still mod and play it) ( note arma was released in 25 June 2009 but 2010 on steam)
Arma III : released on steam 16 Dec 2013 ( 2 years and people still mod and play it)
Counter Strike. released 1 Nov 2000 (15 years and people still mod and play it)
Counter Strike source released: 1 Nov 2004 (11 years and people still mod and play it)
Skyrim : releaed on steam 10 Nov 2011, (4 years and people still mod and play it)

H1Z1 : released on steam 15 Jan 2015.
Rust : Released 11 Dec 2013, Dont compare a 2 year old game with a game thats about 1/2 year old.
If you compare Rust to Dayz you’ll notice that Rust has more playtime than Dayz. So looks like the gamers are enjoying the Moddeble Rust more.

And we do not have enough in the current dev kit.
It’s like. you want to build a car. but the only tools you have to build your car with is a stone pick.
Sometimes you just need more. like a drill. a jackhammer, a welding tool and some ducktape rather than just a stone pick.
There are limits to what you can make with only a stone pick.

if you sincerely mean we can do enough with the current dev kit. could you please give me and example on howto prevent the events.
Begine Play, End Play/Destroyed beeing executed twise on structures.
Or make a ladder as gankey69 pointed out.

If all you want to do is make a map, resking some dinos, add in a few new items that doesnt do anything spesical or remap existing onces. This dev kit is perfect.

I modded for enough games to say that there was never much of a two sided communication between Dev and Mod-Community and was never able to do everything I could imagine in their Mod kits. I m pretty sure there are games out there that allow you more modding than ARK, but there are pletty where you can do less. You still have all the power of Unreal. You could basically made your own game just using the player character or maybe a few dinos.

About your ladder and the creative part. What you actually want to do here is getting a player from point a to b on a vertical axis. There are plenty of ways to do it. Besides that, you have access to all the Unreal tools, so yeah, you can do a ladder. You need your own interaction and inputs and a bit of math, but doing ladder in a scale of CS ladders should be fairly easy.

I dont know mate, I mean I tried to pull of a objective based gamemode for two teams and as you can imagine nothing of such things are implemented in Ark and still, I got it working. Yes, it could be more easy to use, but if you really want, you will find a way. Still, I am not saying you can do everything cause you cant but if you have to kill a feature you just have to find another doable one.

I guess by that selection you want to tell me that they life longer thanks to modding. Congratulations, you are right! :smiley: But they did well for at least half a year up to one year. So there is plenty time to add a more stable ADK in terms of Ark. It’s doing fine right now and it will do for some time. I never disagreed that Mods are bad. They are awesome and can help. I think I even stated that before, but your game does not fall because of lacking modding. A sold copy is a sold copy. In general you do not make money by just having players play your game for hundreds of hours.

Besides that, have you tried modding in Arma? You can and you have some power, but its way less than UE4 offers. And there is almost no communication between dev and community. I mean the devs even put docs up that are just wrong about their technology. It just does not work that way.
About source I can only say good things, but you cant do the same “massive multiplayer open world stuff” in there so I guess thats nothing to go back to.
Cant say anything about Skyrim. Might be the golder egg here and might wanna go back there?!

You just made me compare games that are 6+ yrs older and now you are telling me I should not compare Rust, H1Z1 and Ark? Are you drunk, mate?
Besides that it seems that the playtime is the only graph that was suitable for your argument? Have you compared audience (2weeks). Insane difference. I mean we are talking here about how much modding helps you in the long run, right. So we do not really care about any playtime a year ago, right? Besides that, I stated already that modding is great and helps. But as you see, there are no mayor differences between a modable game and one without. And even if you would do the math, Rust would lose. Which is a shame since that is the only game I really like of all the 4 mayor survival mp games.

Well, as I pointed out, I do a objective based two team gamemode which is nothing the tool provides. I had to do my own HUD, teamsetup, interaction system, pickups, gamemodelogic, etc. Couldn’t do everything I wanted but still enough.
To stay in your picture: Yes, you are right, you might not be able to built a car, but maybe a bike, a skateboard or maybe something like a glider because you have more than just a stone pick but not all you want. And you still have your hands (vanilla UE4) which allow you to do all the things you need. Might not be compatible with all the existing tools Ark has, but it might work.

I talked about ladders already but about your structure thing:
So I tested it. Its not firing twice. Not sure what you are talking about. Its firing once for each instance (server, client1, client2, …). So whatever issue you have, I am sure we can figure it out. How about you drop by in the IRC and let me know that you are there. I am sure we can sort that out for you. Cause if it justs need that bit of help to kill this complaining, I all in!

I guess we all should calm down a bit. If these tools are not suitable for one, one should cosider leaving the ADK behind. There will not be a massive change in the near future. You can come back whenever you want check again. And yes, everyone is right that things could be better and that the kit could be more powerful and communication is lacking, but complaining on the forum each day is the easiest way out you guys have.
I think that whole contest is getting into the heads of people… money money money…

For anyone having issues with their install (I was getting complete Island recompiles and massive amounts of shader recompiles)… this is how I fixed it:

  1. From Epic Launcher did a Verify… which took me back to the 201.6 devkit.
  2. Unzipped the Github 206.2 files over the top
  3. Unzipped the Diff 206.2 files over the top
  4. Did not unzip the SotF files

TC cook works fine with some basic PrimalGameData and TestGameMode changes… no shader compiles or anything.

Postive thats what he means its firing Sever, then again each time the Client Logs on, Where as he wants it to Fire once upon the Server start/Resart and no more. Which to be honest is terrible in some Situations having Some Graphs Fire each time a new Clients logs on.

, right this thread is not really a place to keep discussing that.

ReapersBusiness thats not what i want at all.
Anyway my problem is solved with the structures thanks to helping me out a bit. you can read about that in here

Hopefully the update has reached the epic launcher by tomorrow

I cant download github binaries?

why not? are you getting the 404?

in in this next update can we get the notice board graphs unlocked for sotf?

Are we able to get an update as to when the Epic Launcher version will be updated??
I mean it is the primary toted method for modding, I would think it would have preference over the old GitHub method…

Just sayin’

It’s up to Epic. That has probably nothing to do with Wildcard. Stay put. A few more hours or days. Shouldnt take that long.

Fairly certain it actually doesn’t go through Epic.

Lets just say for the sake of arguments… If that be the case, why did they move to an obviously inferior setup to the way they had it with Github??

Hey guys, just a small update: 206.1 should be available through the Epic Launcher some time tomorrow. Holidays have a way of causing delays :slight_smile:

Thank you for the update .

Didn’t realize there were so many holidays between 201.3 and now… I think I have to update my calendar.

Hoping this update will include the items,changes and dino in 207?

Was there another holiday?

Hopefully this delay is going to be due to matching the devkit up with the latest patch so we don’t have another problem all over again. Keeping them in sync with each other is pure logic no matter how many times there is a patch in a week.

One question people, how I can see the Island? I only see the sky and water, no landscape or objects.

you need to load the level

Do you mean TheIsland? I load but I cant see anything except sky and water.