I'm going from Sketchup 21.1.299 64bit Pro to Twinmotion 2022.2.0
Worked fine a couple of times, however its always been missing objects. I thought it was the known tags issue but importing the file as normal works perfectly. Tags also check out.
That was a minor issue to this weeks issues with DirectLink :)
Now it doesn't seem to be working at all.
Go through the normal process, (open source first, open TM, import, direct link etc) and it appears to complete with the file appearing in twinmotion as a thumbnail(no preview image though!) and filename. However there is nothing in the model space or Scene tabs like there is when it works normally. So it doesn't seem to have completed the import correctly.
Another interesting problem just cropped up when i checked it too:
previously it was correctly picking up the filename, this time its said the skp file is called 'unnamed' which is not true.. shut down retried and got the same problem. :>
As i said, straight import works fine... I have tried a few models, all the same issue.
Any tips would be most welcome, i held off installing the new version until it was properly supporting 2021 sketchup... but, seems to be some bugs still.. :)
Please please please, continue to make sure 2021 SketchUp pro works, this is the last perpetual licence so i bet a lot of people like myself will be on this version for a while to come.
Thank you for posting in the community about those issue you are facing. In order to make sure you have the best experience with Sketchup 2021 and Twinmotion we recommend using the Datasmith Exporter plugin and use the latest one as some of the problems you are describing have been worked on.
The file name issue happens because Sketchup needs to be closed and reopened for the name changed to be updated in Twinmotion Direct Link window. You can relink any Direct Link to the correct file/project name as needed.
In order make sure you have a good experience with the Datasmith Exporter plugin, please uninstall the current plugin and install the 5.0.2 or latest one from this link: https://www.twinmotion.com/plugins/sketchup-pro
For reference here is the overview video on how to get the plugin to work:
Make sure to press the Sync icon/button from the Datasmith Palette once you have created a Direct-Link import into Twinmotion, or you can click Sync first then go and create a Direct-Link import in Twinmotion. The bigger the scene the longer the process can take but it should be fairly quick. If nothing shows up there could be a problem and we would need to investigate further.
This is the overview article and documentation regarding the process:
Hope this helps and if you are still having missing objects or other issues please report a bug by contacting us directly from the home page and using the [ contact us ] button or by following this link directly: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page