2020 Epic MegaJam


​**​1ST: **Forfax’s Castle by Wispy Bois

​**​2ND: **Eons Unfolding by Sartial

​**​3RD: **The Rude, the Mad, & the Ugly by Five Fancy Mustachios


Tiny Award: A long time by Divivor
Is This Real Life?: Babel Builder by The Bards of Babylon
Genre Bash: Reklaim by Chris N
Procedural Magicians: Marsh’s Journey by PolyHavoc
Army Of One: Marsh’s Journey by PolyHavoc

See all submissions on the 2020 Epic MegaJam itch.io page here

Are you ready to jam? The 2020 Epic MegaJam is coming to a computer near you on Friday, December 4 with a special Iivestream to kick off the festivities. The week-long game jam features new modifier categories, such as Genre Bash and Procedural Magicians, and generous prizes from Falcon Northwest, Intel, Microsoft and more.

Taking place on December 4th through December 11th, make sure you check out the details, resources, rules, and prizes. And don’t forget to register over on the official 2020 Epic MegaJam itch.io page.

Many thanks to our sponsors:


We love celebrating your hard work, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with. Good luck!

Thank you Epic Mega Jam for not coming to Brazil, disappointing.

Why is not open to Brazil? Come on guys… here we already have tons of problems, with bad gov administration, economy, covid-19 and now we are out of a Megajam!

We Brazilians are very disappointed for not having Epic Mega Jam in Brazil.

We trying to spread the word of UE4 to build a decent community in Brazil while Epic boycott us without previous notice. Im not mad just very disappointed

I’m pretty sure it’s not Epic that is boycotting Brazil, I believe its a rule in your country.

On another note, can you clarify what the “Genre Bash” modifier is? Mixing art genres (medievil/scifi), or gameplay elements (FPS/RTS)?

That happened with Warner Bros in a DC Cosplay Contest this year 2020. “O Brasil não poderá participar dos concursos devido às diversas restrições burocráticas impostas para a criação de Concursos Culturais e Promoções no país.”.

Thats suck i hate my own country because politicians destroy all hope, and i hope open a Studio in Canada just to pay less taxes and don’t give a single penny for this country corrupted.

develop games in Brazil is a far away dream and very small dream, since is hard, we need to speak english pay a lot of money for softwares, since or economy sucks and our coin don’t have value. And even with a free game engine we can’t do much with bad hardware, how we can live doing a game for free? how we can work with games without a job? The best option is do a freelance job won a 500 usd and be happy because if work all month we gonna have just 180 usd and need to pay all bills and taxes to survive!

I went to get information and it really seems to be a matter of the country’s laws.

sigh now I actually hope there’s another delay on Cyberpunk 2077. Release day is right in the middle of this one.
Either way, it’ll be fun to shake the dust off and give this a go.

Gameplay elements!

thank Epic don’t close the Contest to my country, Viet Nam

I’m hyped for CP as well BUT - lets give 150% during the jam and enjoy CP’s early day patches, hehe.

@Brazil and other countries: I really feel sympathetic towards your problems. This sucks.
cough VPN cough.

Would be nice to know why now individuals from Italy can’t partecipate to the Jam, if is because some new italians law i don’t know which one. :frowning:

I’m curious too!

As far as Quebec is concern, the state has a rule (if I’m not mistaken) of requiring the prices to be available (physically) during the contest inside Quebec. Its a stupid rule made by stupid politicians…It’s not the fault of Epic.

Nevertheless, can we still participate and be judge? I don’t care much about winning prizes but the competition is fun.
If not, would it be a good idea to have a separate Jam with people that cannot officially participate without any prizes (except bragging rights)?
Can this be done and judge by Epic?


Nobody ever sees the results of judging, so you don’t miss out on anything by still making a game during the jam; you just can’t submit it as an entry into the competition itself.

The Italian law requires the following to run this kind of contest in Italy:

  • Write detailed terms and conditions of the giveaway;
  • Stipulate a guarantee for the full amount of the prizes;
  • Appoint a non-profit organisation to receive the prizes if, for any reason, they are not claimed or wanted by the participants.
  • Fill out the ministerial forms;
  • Send all required documentation to the Ministry of Economic Development via the “prema on line” system at least 15 days before the start date of the prize draw;
  • Choose the winners in the presence of the Official Responsible for the Protection of Public Faith;
  • Pay taxes on the prizes;
  • Hand over the prizes within a maximum period of 180 days with proof of delivery;
  • Declare the closure of the contest with the Official Responsible for the Protection of Public Faith after having handed over the prizes.

Source: Contest laws and sweepstakes in Italy - Promosfera

I’m not sure if these are new regulations, if these were always in place but recently Epic had to start payin closer attention to international regulations, or if the Covid got in the way of any of them being achievable (e.g.: choosing the winner in the presence of the Official for Public Faith).

For those asking why countries are restricted from participating, take it up with your local governments making bad laws requiring companies to jump through insane loopholes in order to have a contest.

In the case of Italy, the company is required to let a politician be on the judge panel for instance.
You may now picture Sgarbi judging your artwork…

Good luck from Brazil! :stuck_out_tongue: huehuehue

Thank you for the infos, so classic italian shitshow. :frowning: