So is it doing the 3,2,1 StartCounter or is it not? If it isn’t, can you show me that part of the HUD widget where it should be getting called?
Not counting down. All is frozen.
This was the part that was calling it without the StartCounter. Remember, before it was set as an EventTick in GameState, now we switched it to a CustomEvent so I thought about calling it there
Ah but that wasn’t the 3,2,1, that was the level countdown. Right? I might be getting confused by the names. And that the snips aren’t labeled gamestate, gamemode, etc.
So what we’re going to do? We’re just going to rewrite this timer thing.
I THINK I GOT IT. Now, the problem is you might think that a bound event will automatically fire. It will not, and that might be where the miscommunication is. You need to CALL GoGoGo at the end of the HUD button!
Go ahead and do it like I showed you, just reverse gamemode and gamestate to whichever it needs to be.
But for future reference: Game Mode is supposed to be Rules, gameSTATE is supposed to be the active state of the game. Timers typically run here. But it’s okay it can be in game mode.
I used placeholder names for the variables, don’t make new variables use the ones you have because they’re referenced elsewhere.
I lit the fuse… with the match… and it quickly jumped over the 3,2,1 countdown… faded Go in/Out… and game is playable, but it did not actually perform the 3,2,1, Go countdown… just flashed Go in/out and game was already playable
I did get the “Event Dispatched” string printed
After that, sever the connection after event dispatched. Move that stuff down, we’ll reconnect it in a second. Because you don’t want it to fire til the timer’s done, right?
You’re going to grab off that GS Ref and get your time remaining from the 3,2,1. (this is all on the construct of the HUD still). Check if it’s above 0. If it is, run Start Counter, Event Dispatched. If it’s false, run that other stuff we just disconnected.
Edit: Like this, but with the red event line as you have it (I have nothing to connect it to):
I just looked, the level timer can’t be on tick. Tick runs once a frame. it’ll rocket down, and the delay will just block it altogether.
Do another event instead of having it on tick, and do a set timer by function, with a 1 second time, looping. Call the Level Timer event you’ll create from the end of the False line of the GOGOGO. Make it looping (you can’t do time inside a function so you have to use an event->timer->function).