2 scores, total score and on-hand score that gets 10% decrease every sec that gets added to total score

Hello, how do I make 2 score bars A and B

‘A’ is my total score that points from ‘B’ gets added in, and ‘B’ is points I’m holding on hand for a bit

every second 10% from B points gets removed and added to the A total score

here is my ‘A’ total score blueprint, it adds numbers to my HUD when coins are collected

Try if calling this in Event Tick works:

Also I highly encourage you to keep your Points or Coins as float instead of int as you will have more and more rounding errors. Even if you show them as a whole number to the player.

hopefully this works and shows the code:
A and B score posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
I tried to copy your code and change it to floats instead as you suggested.
as I’m very new to UE, I don’t understand how to make the variables have a “target input”.
my “set/get total coins” variables only have the output but no target?

You mean this?

This whole node is just a call to the custom event below:

The “this” in this case means that we are calling the event in this instance of the actor. Not some other actor of the same class.

This makes the blueprint much simpler:

We no longer need to keep track of the amount after the decimal point.

Edit: I was also assuming we are transferring points from A to B, however now I see that this might not be the case as B is a player controller and A does not exist. It’s just a bunch of bonus points. Is that right?

(post deleted by author)

My idea is to have a scoring system, where you try to hoard as many points all at once into your B score, then try to time that with a ‘score multiplying object’ for big points, before your temporary B score drains too much down to your final actual score ‘A’, which is what you have once game is over.

I hope this makes more sense on what I am trying to do, I asked here without the multiplying stuff to keep it simpler and figured it out later, but yeah sorry might of been too vague this way

and also I meant: how do I get target to show up in this node? I created a float called total coins, but it only has an output? yours has target input too like in this image:

This is just a getter. You have it in your initial screenshot: