Also I highly encourage you to keep your Points or Coins as float instead of int as you will have more and more rounding errors. Even if you show them as a whole number to the player.
hopefully this works and shows the code: A and B score posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
I tried to copy your code and change it to floats instead as you suggested.
as I’m very new to UE, I don’t understand how to make the variables have a “target input”.
my “set/get total coins” variables only have the output but no target?
We no longer need to keep track of the amount after the decimal point.
Edit: I was also assuming we are transferring points from A to B, however now I see that this might not be the case as B is a player controller and A does not exist. It’s just a bunch of bonus points. Is that right?
My idea is to have a scoring system, where you try to hoard as many points all at once into your B score, then try to time that with a ‘score multiplying object’ for big points, before your temporary B score drains too much down to your final actual score ‘A’, which is what you have once game is over.
I hope this makes more sense on what I am trying to do, I asked here without the multiplying stuff to keep it simpler and figured it out later, but yeah sorry might of been too vague this way
and also I meant: how do I get target to show up in this node? I created a float called total coins, but it only has an output? yours has target input too like in this image: