I have a blueprint (a door) that I need to interact with by pushing the E key. Sometimes this door will have another door right behind it, and I need both doors to slide open simultaneously when I push that E key.
I thought the simplest approach to this would be to have the 2 trigger volumes (1 for each door) to overlap, so if I’m standing in both, both doors would open. But it appears there is a limitation that only allows one door or the other to be opened this way when I overlap both volumes.
What would be a better approach to doing this? Note that the 2nd door won’t always exist.
If you set your action in your character, you’ll can activate both of them.
In your blueprint, replace “e” by a custom event.
In your character : On key e event, from a “get overlapping actors” with your door blueprint selected, “for each loop” / “cast to” your blueprint / custom event.
You can extend the system by setting an array of items in class filter and interact with actors without needing to enable input.
Edit : Beware of the multi use of key. True in both character or actor. You need to add a doonce with reset on end overlap (or a bool set true /false) to prevent multi click.