I have build a simple Sidescroller, where the character is constantly running and has to jump over obstacles.
I have placed the components of the world and the obstacles into one blueprint. The blueprint controls the constantly moving obstacles & background stuff in an infinte loop.
I placed a character via a player start into the world and restricted player inputs to jump only. When I hit play the world starts to move. How can I control the animation of the character so it looks like he is running, while actually not moving horizontally, because the world itself moves?
So you want the animation running all the time? So this is a runner type game where you cant make the player stand still so… you could setup in the animation to be a running animation that is active when the velocity = 0 since it really isn’t moving, I think. if there is speed involved then of course youd want to add a blendspace to adjust it.
So setup your player animation states in your animgraph with whatever states you need for actions but your Idle-Walk-Run would be replaced with of course only a RUN animation.
Then it would go into the jump-falling-land etc etc.
I set the speed of my player in the animation blueprint to a constant value, so he is always running. I have stopped the ground from animating (because that pushed the character away) and since there is no texture but only color on it, it doesn’t matter.
However since I also have THIS problem (can’t communicate between blueprints especially character and animation blueprint), the character is jumping with the running animation constantly playing. My plan was to cast a variable to anim BP while jumping to set the speed to 0…