(2 != 2) = true


heres a bigger version with the node using these values activated - http://i.imgur.com/cc26Pmu.png

Hey Taisaku -

Just tried to repro this, and it looks like the function is working properly. However, one thing i did notice is that the watches on those nodes will be stale until whatever impure (node with a white exec line running through it) that value is used in is executed. My guess is that you’re seeing stale values from a previous run of the logic there, because the watch window isn’t updated until the value changes.

updated main post with a bigger picture, looks to me like they are incorrectly showing from the current line

Could you try hooking up a Print statement to print the values just before they’re compared? It seems most likely that the Watch functionality is being misleading here, since I can’t reproduce the issue on my end.