1st Attempt - test run :-)

So here’s my 1st ever attempt. I’ve been stuck in the world of vrayforc4d for too many years :slight_smile: so I am loving UE4 even though I’ve got some way to go to perfection and world domination :slight_smile:

Very nice, especially for a first attempt! I’d challenge you to work with atmospheric effects and see how far you can push the realism. Along that line, consider the imperfections that would be in your scene. Would there be any scuff marks on the floors? Any wear on the chair material (which could use a nice normal map, by the way :wink: .) The walls seem rather barren. Where would light switches go? What would a baseboard look like in this space?

Remember- reality isn’t perfect, so your renders shouldn’t be perfect either.

Keep it up! Your rendering is great.

Hi SBiegun_PDG, thanks for the comments. Completely agree with your comments. I was just testing UE4 and not too bothered about the contents of the room to be honest.

With regards to bumps and scuffs, I definitely need to work on that for sure. Here’s my site where I have some of my vrayforc4d work www.global3dee.com

Thanks again for taking the time to comment…watch this space :slight_smile:

VERY nice for a first attempt. Looking good already =)

Thanks Frepp73 :slight_smile:

Good first try, work on your proportions. The 2 chairs together look really big for example.Those plastic chairs look good, i have them in my own scene too :slight_smile:

Thanks Mentholblue, appreciate your comments. I wasn’t really to bothered on anything but settings. You can see my vray work here www.global3dee.com

UE is a great thing, won’t be long before it dominates archviz.