Hey Epic Games,
Just wanted to say, I absolutely loved your recent Fortnite Campaign: 19 - Eighty - Fortnite!
Really made me smile and giggle. Totally spot on!
I whole heartedly agree and stand with you in your efforts to make Revenue Splits on Game / App Stores more fair for developers and less greedy for mega corporations.
Thank you for standing up for the little guy!
I know some people on the internet are saying you’re making a stand for self interest. But I don’t believe that. I know Epic Games and I know you are good people and are making this stand for the right reasons. Well done and all power to you!
I wish Epic Games all the best in the legal challenges ahead. May the best company win - I.E, Epic!
Developers should be free to get a fair deal on every platform. And Consumers should be free to get the best deal on every platform.
As Epic so graciously stated: If you love something set it Free! <3
All the best mates!