15 Year Composer / Producer / Now Available / Industry Experience

I am , composer / multi instrumentalist / music and sound production for over 15 years at Music Studios in Winston Salem, NC, USA. I am also the creator / producer of NYSIIS and co founder / creator of Extinction Level Event. My musicianship / productions have been featured internationally through major publications such as Game Informer, The Guardian, Metal Hammer UK, Metal Sucks, Ultimate Guitar and more.

My latest musical entry was featured in Game Informer for the Half Life Series. Song Inspired By Hypothetical Half-Life 3 Will Make You Reach For Nearest Crowbar - Game Informer

Contact :

YouTube Channel Portfolio (Visuals and Music) :

I am seeking (Indie / AAA) video game developers looking for original sountrack compositions to sound design production. My portfolio currently ranges from symphonic orchestrations, progressive metal, ambient electronica, indie rock to horror ambience. I am working on many more styles and atmospheres on my video game “music redux” series featuring DOOM, Unravel, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Sea of Thieves and many more. I have over 15 years song writing experience in many different styles. If you or anyone you know is seeking someone for composition work. Please have them call, text or email me at my website email. Thanks for your time. I truly appreciate it. I wish you all the best on your project.

Best wishes,

I just thought I’d mention that there are tons of people that run software to harvest phone numbers from websites, so I’d be more careful when posting it.

Thanks for the heads up. :wink:

If any one is interested please check out my work that I completed recently on my music redux series.

Just added another piece of my work featuring Mass Effect 4 Andromeda. Mass Effect 4 Andromeda Music Redux - YouTube

Maybe now you could also remove the number from your quote? lol /doh

I love the Andromeda idea. we must create Andromeda for UT4 too! sounds like a great idea! you can collaborate with me(I’m 4 years experienced in Rap). let’s collaborate with Mzarozor and I, and you. let’s make the best soundtrack the world has ever made!

Thanks so much for listening. I just received feedback from Lilith UK on the music / trailer redux I just did for Allison Road. Check out my remake here. YouTube

Just got my latest music redux for the Half Life series posted up on Gameinformer. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/08/03/song-inspired-by-half-life-3-will-make-you-reach-for-nearest-crowbar.aspx

Mass Effect 4 as featured in Game Informer. :slight_smile: Mass Effect 4 Andromeda Music Redux - YouTube