Hi there,
I’m working with a project that is using the udk-2015-01 package (the last one afaik). And we’re having trouble getting past the 10kbps per client limit.
Before I get to into it, the first question is, is it possible to do?
I have seen other games that are using ue3 supposedly get past this limit by simply changing some ini settings. See:
Americans army 2: Hit Detection? - Page 2 - America's Army Forum
TERO Online: My edited S1Engine configuration for TERA Online. · GitHub
Americas army proving ground: http://steamcommunity.com/app/203290/discussions/4/846964977147433178/
Every mention of netspeed says to change the following settings:
==On Server==
==On Client==
Ive tried every single possible combination of these settings. From setting all the settings really high, to setting all these settings the same on both client and server, to setting the settings in the games ini’s, the default ini’s and the engine ini’s all at the same time, etc.
Debuging through the console, and turning off the log suppression options, I can see that the client is saying its reporting the higher rate to the server. I can also see the settings are correctly set on the server and client, via use the console get (class) (param) command.
What seems to be the case tho is that, even tho “get IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxClientRate” returns what ever I set in the ini, for example 80000 (for testing); When I run “getall IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxClientRate”, the instances of the tcpnetdriver class all report 10000 for each client.
What am I missing?, is the UDK just limited to 10kbps per client no matter what? If so, how are these are games supposedly getting around it? Please help.