Hi everyone,
FIrst, we’d like to say thanks for continuing to share your knowledge on the Epic Developer Community (EDC)! All of your support has helped us hit major milestones in our first 107 days—more than 100,000 people have created a profile on the EDC, we’ve seen 500+ community tutorials posted, and there are now over 1,000 tutorials and courses in the learning library, made by both Epic and community contributors. Additionally, we’ve nearly reached 500 snippets, and seen over 2,500 solutions on the Q&A pages.
Activity on the forum appears several magnitudes greater than prior to the launch of Unreal Engine 5 and the EDC. It is heartwarming to see your enthusiasm and the support you provide one another.
Since our last site update, we’ve been working on a whole lot of changes and improvements to further build out the community experience.
As mentioned when we launched this site back in early April, the community is something that is close to our hearts and we will continue to invest in it. The site remains actively under development, and throughout the rest of 2022 you’ll see that through various changes, tweaks, and new features that will be popping up as time goes by.
With the EDC’s 3-month birthday , I wanted to give you all an update on what we’ve been working on. Some of these changes are already live, while others are expected to be live in the near future.
We’ve made all kinds of search improvements
- Thumbnails are shown on certain results, and the author of a post, the date, and other metadata are now also included.
- Additional filters were added
- Support for exact match has been added
- The weighing of the results have been tweaked. This may need additional tweaking in the future.
Heroes and Badges
- We have launched an initial version of the Heroes page with highlights for our Community Heroes and descriptions of our latest specialty badges.
- New badges to recognize your activity on the EDC are now earnable, such as First Snippet or Tutorial Professor (you earn that when you make a lot of tutorials
- Behind the scenes, we’re working to automate these badges, and bring in even more to identify your activity across the ecosystem, such as Epic MegaGrant recipients, Authorized Trainers, and more.
- Note that these programs are still a work in progress, and we’re working to retroactively assign the new badges as we can.
- Localization options for the overall site and forums are set to go live this summer, with support for Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and French.
- Support for these additional languages has also been added to learning posts, and we’ve begun translating or migrating existing translations for courses over.
Priority is given to UE5 courses and key tutorials. Localized versions will be added as they’re completed, and most of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean courses are already available.
Nav Bars/Menus
- The links to the Inside Unreal, Unreal Indies, and Community Heroes pages have been moved from the left menu to the top nav bar, so that the left menu becomes more focused.
- We removed the ability to collapse sections of the left-hand menu since we felt there were too few options to continue to have that in.
- Instead, we added in the ability to collapse the entire left-hand menu in a way that resembles the UE5 editor.
View Counts
There were two errors in the tutorial/snippet view tracking that we found. We’ve fixed these during the last 2 weeks, and it has caused the reported view counts to go up dramatically. If you have contributed tutorials to the site, it may explain seeing a sudden increase in the views on your content going forward (will unfortunately not work retroactively).
Design Updates
- We are iterating the design in various places. This is most noticeable on the learning pages where the header has changed.
- We removed some color coding (for example, community tutorials being yellow, while Epic content is blue), because we are going to use colors to distinguish between unique tools in the future.
- We’re working to improve search engine optimization. The goal is to ensure that you can Google for whatever topic you wish, and be able to find that easily back on the EDC.
- We seem to be doing pretty well with search ranking, but if you notice any issues please let us know.
- Some work left to be done - Server Side Rendering is the major missing piece we are still tackling. Also video transcripts need further work to be readable by bots.
New Player
- The learning pages are being upgraded to a new video player, which also includes embedded, searchable transcripts.
- We anticipate further changes to the video player in the future. The player is tied into the video hosting solution we use, and at some point we’ll likely transition the hosting over to a self-built solution. At that point, we’d make another update to the player as well.
GIFs in Snippets
- Snippets now also support GIFs.
Co-Authors for Tutorials
- You can now add more than one author to tutorials. There must always be one owner, but you can associate additional authors.
- In the future, we hope to extend this by also giving editing rights to the associated authors, thereby creating a system in which a group of people can own and work on a tutorial.
“Multi-Application” and the future
Another significant development that we’ve been spending a lot of time on is the ability for the Epic Developer Community site to house content and activity for other Epic developer tools and services, such as Epic Online Services.
Our ambition is to create the best and most lively developer community experience possible, where all information comes together in an easily searchable, singular overarching Epic community that interconnects the engine with other tools.
The current estimate for the first iteration of the multi-application community to go live is early autumn. Stay tuned!