10 Fantasy Stylish Dagger and Hand axe

Ten Fantasy Stylish Daggers and Hand Axes



Recently, I have a small break from my contract job, hence, I decided to make a new set of fantasy weapons pack of Indie friendly price to help the indie and hobbyist game developers. This pack is specific on Dagger and Handaxe.

This WIP thread is giving a sneak peak for the community about what is coming up on this pack. You can also check for the previous 2 packs here- 10 Fantasy Stylish Weapon and 10 Fantasy Stylish Staff and Wand.

About this pack:

  • The polycount of all weapons will be limited to 1500 triangle, and with 50%,25% and 12.5% lod, (Mid range PC and mobile friendly triangle count)
  • Texture size will be 512 x 1024 for each weapon, come with 2 set of material [PBR and Diffuse/Unlit]
  • Color changer for some specific area of the weapon, as well as emissive color changer
  • Will support Unreal engine version starting from 4.12
  • As usual it will be a high quality assets pack
    Curreny/ Latest Progress (Those naming is just for fun, you can name it whatever you want in your product)

**Axe of Freedom


**Axe of Chaos

Axe of Disc**

Axe of Cruel

**Axe of Skull

Dagger of Faith

Dagger of Silent

Dagger of Crystal

Dagger of Rave

**Dagger of snake

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More WIP will be paste on the comment section, now still left 2 dagger and 5 hand axe

High poly of Dagger of snake is done, now moving to low poly

Just finish the Dagger of snake in low poly + material. 1 more dagger on comming

A little update for the last dagger, now moving to the hand-axe

Just finish the highpoly of the First Handaxe

Axe of Skull is finish, gonna take a few day break before moving to next axe

Back from Holiday, just sculpt the Highpoly of second Axe

Finish the texture of Axe of Cruel

The 8 axe is done, now left 2 last axe before submit to marketplace team

add the 9 axe, still have one more axe to go

Finish the final Axe, now submit to Marketplace team for review

It released on marketplace with Indie friendly price!

Ten Fantasy Dagger and Hand-Axe in Weapons - UE Marketplace

Hi your work is really awesome. I wonder if you could consider working on fantasy range weapons like,:fantasy bows, fantasy guns, fantasy bazookas etc, I’ve noticed these kind of weapons are lacking in marketplace.:wink:

Will do when I have free time, thanks for the interested