1 actor with multiple skeletal meshes VS multiple skeletal mesh actors?

Hi,I want to know what is better for performance.

1: have a main actor to spawn several actors ,the spawned actors each has a skeletal mesh and a animation blueprint.

the main actor is like a manager who tells which actor to play animation.

2: the main actor adds a bunch of skeletal mesh components to self.
(this way is a little tricky if I want them to play montage.because I’ll have to wait for one to finish in order to let another one to begin montage)

3:the main actor spawns those actors and then set them to child actor components.(this is the same with method 1?)

i prefer the first method because it seems to be the most convenient method to me.I can have them to play animations without having to wait for another to finish playing.

I’m haunted by these thoughts.
I hope someone can confirm that which is better for performance or they are the same.
Thank you very much!

This falls in the realm of “premature optimization is the root of all evil”. It also causes “analysis paralysis”. Just start with what gets the result you’re looking for (and is convenient in this case). You want to be able to play different montages, potentially at the same time. Option 1 (or 3) are ways you can achieve that. Make it so. If you run into performance issues, then you can start iterating to find more efficient ways to achieve the desired result. Good luck!

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Thank you,it helped release my mind.
I’ll do whatever I feel like.it’s important and I always forgot.

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