1.0 Full Body IK node uses constants for bone names: any way around that?

So I’ve been working on a SteamVR motion capture system for nearly a year now, and am just porting it over to UE5 so I can use the new Full Body IK node. I’m running into a bit of a problem with one of my control rig set ups that dynamically inputs bone names into the full body IK node:

It looks like the new Full Body IK node references the source skeleton, and the name fields act like drop down menus instead of name variables I can change at runtime. Does anyone know a way around this, or know if this functionality might be added later? It’s not a huge deal (unless the deprecated old node is removed at some point, then I’d be sad, haha).

If anyone is curious, they can see this system on my github using the ‘Unknown’ actor preset: GitHub - Megasteakman/VRMocap: A SteamVR powered mocap solution for Unreal Engine


Looks like we’re on the same boat, since I’ve also developed a Full Body Mocap solution ( called Rigel ) and I’m about to switch to Control Rig in short time.
This is an advice I received from Jeremiah Grant ( THE Tech guy/Sr Developer for Rigging/Animation in UE ), where he shared a possible solution to have joints name as a variable.

I haven’t tested that yet, but it should as expected.

Thanks for the reply! Yeah, I’ve seen your system, it looks great!

I just tried using the item node, and I can’t use that connection or any variables I make with the fullbody IK node. I think I will just stick with the deprecated FBIK node for now, so it’s not a huge deal.