!= 0 not working!

I would suggest using NearlyEqual for float comparison:

It works fine to me. What is TotalVector?

!= 0 not working in this case?

code :

	if (TotalVector.Y != 0)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("TotalVector.Y = %f"), TotalVector.Y);

result :


anyone had the same experience?

yes, I tried FMath::IsNearlyEqual() and it’s working but I wanna know why != not working ?!

Because there are no absolute values for float; i.e. there’s no 2 but 1.9999999 or 2.0000001 or something like this. Your TotalVector is probably a very small value near zero (but not zero). That’s why we use NearlyEqual to compare float values. Also, look here. It describes the issue with floating values precision:


! operator nagetaes the any boolean value you can use it on variables and function returns so do !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(), or just simply do FMath::IsNearlyEqual() == false

thx for all replies. all help, the links is answer my question.
Thx Ali.