Livingroom Santiago

Hello Guys

I wanted to share with you this project. Is one of the first I do entirely on Unreal. My goal is keep working on UE4 in all my upcoming projects.

One of the things I added to this is an automactic adjusment to the depth of field.

Hope you guys like it and all the feedback and comments are welcomed.




this looks great! my only comment is are just subtle contact shadows but that’s very minor for me. It really holds ups really well- keep em coming :]

This is impressive, because it’s so good I’m going to nit pick and say the cushions spoil it a bit, but nothing major. With better cushions this is an Epic scene :slight_smile:

This is so perfect!! Congratulations, it looks so convincing! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks! You are right about the contact shadows. I´ll take care of it once I finish the other areas of the apartment

Thanks bro. I´ll keep it in mind and will try to change them.

Thanks bro!

Amazing visualization! I love the atmosphere of that scene, the lighting, it just make me want to be there. That’s the highest achievement you can get in archviz IMHO.
Will you post a video? :smiley:

Looks really good, I love the textures and lighting!
I was just wondering; is it based on an existing apartment or did you design it from scratch?

Thanks! I’m adding other spaces for this apartment (kitchen, bedroom) once it’s completed I’ll post the video. :slight_smile:

Thanks sandermer! It is a real apartment project for a client here in Chile (I work with “traditional” render based architectural visualization) and initially was made on 3ds and Vray and wanted to turn it into an version.

I’m still trying to address some issues with reflections when taking screenshots that cause artifacts.

Don’t use the built in screenshot tool. Set up your cameras in the game and render from a standalone play session. Use the console command ‘shot’ to grab the screen. With other console commands or blueprints, you can set a resolution of whatever you want. Making a 4k game resolution, screenshotting it, and then down-rezzing in Photoshop has great results. The screenshot tool in the editor breaks antialiasing and reflections and anything else it feels like at the time.

I’m surprised no one has pointed out your broken point lights. You can only have 4 stationary lights overlapping at any given point (including sun). All those lights with red X’s in your screenshot are being rendered fully dynamic with no baked lighting or soft shadows. So I would make them either static or movable, not a broken stationary.

Just amazing!

Thank you StephaBon, I’m still learning on the process, thanks for pointing out the broken point light issue. I’ll look more into it.

Hello guys, this is a short video that shows the other areas of the condo. Still in process, All the feedback, comments and suggestions will be welcomed

Impressive Visualization and lighting. :slight_smile:

How are you getting the ceiling to be so nice and evenly lit? My ceilings are always dark.

realy good! the lighting and the textures spot on!

Lighting looks really good.Could you explain your lighting workflow? did u use hdri? and the materials seem too complex

Nice work! One of my favorites :slight_smile: