Status Effects and Combat Text Blueprints

Created by: Robviously
**Marketplace link: **[Status Effects and Combat Text]](Status Effect and Combat Text in Blueprints - UE Marketplace)
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Combat Text and Status Effect blueprints is NOW available on the marketplace.

Status Effects and Combat Text Overview Video:



This system is an easy to use Combat Text and Status Effects setup for your project.

It contains a blueprint component that allows you to quickly add floating combat text and status effects to any actor. The component is designed to allow the user to add any amount of new status effects and text animations on top of what is included. If you have an actor that doesn’t require the status effects portion of the component. It can be excluded easily, so that you are just using the floating combat text.

I’ve included a demo to showcase how the combat Text and Status effects work together and a sample way that they can be displayed using the UMG widgets.
The demo includes 7 spells and related buff/debuff effect icons (Burning, Frozen, Stun, Poison, Sleep , Silence and Heal ) and 5 combat text animations for Dmg, Crit Dmg, Heal, Crit Heal, ±Status effect.


**How To: **

Fix - “Project names must not be longer…” message:

By default the project will use the Marketplace name, This name will give you a popup message.

To fix this, When creating the project make sure to rename it to a name that is less than 20 characters. Problem solved :slight_smile:

Migrate - Add this package to your current project:

You will want to move the combat text folder to your project, and then if you’d like to use the demo setup, you will need to update your player controller and Character with the information that is in the DEMO Character and DEMO Controller.[/Spoiler]

Change or add new combat effects:

Variable: “DemoCombatEffects”
VariableType: “CombatEffect”
Blueprint: “DemoController”

In the “Demo Controller” you will see an array called “DemoCombatEffects”. It will contain 7 elements that I have predefined as the demo effects. You can adjust the current effects by chaging the ID/TEXT/Icon/particle Effect and duration, remember by changing these values you will also need to adjust how the output spell attached to it behaves.

If you add a new effect and want to setup a new “spell”. you will need to start your spell off like the others to included the “apply status effect”, “add hud effect” and set “time line length” with all the proper connecting nodes for the effect system to work properly.** An example is shown in the picture below.**

Once you have added the required nodes, you will then need to setup what you want applied to the character. The demo examples show you a few different options. remember, The nodes that come after the “Set Timeline Length” are what you want the effect to actually do to your character.

**Note*the Top down character" reference is the “demo character”, if you have migrated this to your own project this reference needs to point to your player character which has the “combat text component”. *

Setup damage text on ANY actor:

[Spoiler]If you have an actor that takes damage and would like the floating combat text, such as a destructible object or enemy character, this can be easily achieved by adding the “Combat Text component” to the actor. on “event any damage”. Get the “combat text component” pull off of it and get the function “show combat text”. Plug in the Damage from “event any damage”, and set the “combat text type” to be “damage”.

Now whenever this actor gets damaged, it will be display that damage as floating Combat text. This process can also be used for Heal, Crit damage, Crit heal and regular text. Such as a door unlocking", or an item being picked up.

*Note Unless your game only requires floating combat text, you will probably want to use the status effects on the enemy characters as well, and this is setup the same way it is for the player, but you would need to include the Status effects widget on the enemy player frame. *[/Spoiler]

Make changes to the UMG widget Font:

[Spoiler]To change the font, you will need to open up the UMG Wiget Blueprint of which you would like to change the font. Select the **[Text] **element, and under the details tab, in the **appearance **section you will see “Font”. Here you can change the Font, Font size and typographical emphasis (bold, Italics, Regular).


Replace or add new Icon images:

[Spoiler]Icons are located in the “UI\Textures” folder. I use 32x32 pixel images in the demo. Once you have imported the image you will need to adjust the** Texture group** to 2D Pixels (unfiltered) and the Compression settings to UserInterface2D. This allows for a sharper image and works well with my pixel art style. Depending on your project you may want to try some of the other options.

Icons can also be swapped out for any of the Demo Effects. This can be done by accessing the “Demo Controller”. You will see a variable for an array called “DemoCombatEffects”. Click the “DemoCombatEffectsvariable and in the details panel select the** array element** you want to change the icon of, select the ICON field and then select the new Icon image.[/Spoiler]

Change the CPU Particle effects to GPU particle effects:

[Spoiler]Since they particle count is so low it made sense to me to use basic CPU emitters.
If you would like to convert them to GPU emitters, Epic has a great guide showing how to convert CPU particle systems to a GPU sprites.
I suggest watching this video as it goes over the benefit and restrictions of both particle systems.

[EPIC - Tutorial - Creating a GPU Sprite Emitter]](Intro to Cascade: Creating a GPU Sprite Emitter | 05 | v4.2 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube)
Intro to Cascade: Creating a GPU Sprite Emitter | 05 | v4.2 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube




  • Robviously

Pretty cool what is the price point going to be?

Reserved for Future Use

Love this, a great buy for my collection. Keep up the great work!

First thing I will try is adding a knockdown, then knock out, and see how far I can go from there!

Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words. Knock down and knock out should be pretty easy. you’d basically just add an animation to the demo stun spell and you’d be almost done the prototype.

Yeah I am looking forward to playing around with this!

Quick update. The pack is now under review. Hoping to hear back soon.

Awesome! Do you have any updates in the future after release, if so… share? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Is this easy to add into another project?

It is extremely easy to add the component and the effects to another project.

It will require some basic knowledge of Enums and Structs to add new spells and status effects as it has been designed clean and properly. By doing it this way, we not only set it up correctly we also help beginner users to see how to properly do these types of systems. If they have the basic knowledge of blueprints should have no problem understanding how it works.

Any updates on this ?

It will be available on the store tomorrow, currently working on a Tutorial video on how to easily add to an existing project, I wanted to get it done tonight but it’s gonna be a little bit still. After that is done, I’m hoping to make one on how to add a new effect/icon/ animations…

Didn’t make it to the marketplace?

I’ve been assured that it will be released today. It’s just got a bit of a delay at Epics end. Hoping to see it in the next 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, I have updated the first post with some tutorial information.

I just picked it up and I wanted to say I think it’s really well made.

Keep up the great work because it’s nice to these types of clean modular blueprints for sale on the marketplace.
I also wrote you a mini review on the marketplace page.

Looks like all the marketplace issues have been resolved.

Hey Robviously, well done on this, its very user friendly, and your tutorials helped a lot! Quick question, I was easily able to make lots of effects, the only one I am having troubles with is Health Buff for lets say 5 minutes. I managed to get to a point where it adds max health, but I think because I came off event tick with hasbuffeffect it’s buffing max health every second for whatever amount of minutes, and then doesn’t remove whatever it buffed at the end. :\

Keep up the great work, look forward to future updates, and projects!

Yeah you shouldn’t need to put that part in a tick, it should be setup like the demo spell # 2, using a timeline for the “buff duration”. Remember the “duration” is for the effect text and the icon. You will setup a separate timeline timer for your actual health buff. as anything after “Set Timeline Length” node is what you want actually done to your character.

So if you look at the demo examples, in the Slow effect for the frozen effect, we reduce the player speed at the start of the effect and then set it back at the end.
You would do something very similar, but instead of slowing the player speed you would increase your MAX HEALTH but your amount and also at that amount to the Current health. When the buff runs out you will reduce the max health back to default and also make a check that says “if current health is greater than max health” set current health to max health.

If you still have some questions let me know and If I have any free time on Sunday, I’ll try to make a Demo spell that is a “health buff”.

hope this helps,

I think I got it, I made a duplicate of HealPlayer, DamagePlayer, and named it BuffPlayer. I was trying to work it from there. I am just working on tool tips with cursor hovering over status icon, but I will give that a shot after.

yeah the “heal player” and “damage player” are about applying Heals or damage to the current health total, you probably won’t want to actually use them for that sort of thing.