Change "p" key to create a "print string" node please

Could you guys change the “p” shortcut key from creating a “Begin Play” node to creating a “Print string” node.

In every BP I use the “Begin Play” once but I always use the “Print string” multiple times.

This certainly makes sense, it’s probably my most used node -_-

Agreed. Didn’t Kismet use the ‘P’ for ‘Print Screen’?

I dislike living in Australia, whenever I post, the epic guys are asleep so my post gets buried among the other ones every time.
Please give me an answer to whether this is a thing that can happen.

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your request. I have entered a feature request, UE-12085, to be assessed by the development staff.

(+1) I like it !

isnt there a way to do it by ourself ?

I found this line to add reroute node with R, how would it look like to add PrintString node with P key?


In DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini:     
 +Node=(Class=K2Node_Knot Key=R Shift=true Ctrl=false Alt=false)

I found where the context menu favorites are disabled and enabled it.

Why on earth is it off by default?


i want P as shortcut!

I usually type lo (for “log”). Also gets you there fast :stuck_out_tongue:

[FONT=Courier New]Step 0: Open “…\UE_V.VV\Engine\Config\BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini”

Step 1: Make P-key free.

+Node=(Class=Actor:ReceiveBeginPlay Key=One Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)

[FONT=Courier New]Step 2: Make P-key as Print String

+Node=(Class=KismetSystemLibrary:PrintString Key=P Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)


[=“tomasz73j, post:11, topic:24484”]

[FONT=Courier New]Step 0: Open “…\UE_V.VV\Engine\Config\BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini”

Step 1: Make P-key free.

[FONT=Courier New]Step 2: Make P-key as Print String


It works.
Thanks a tonne!!



Hi, if someone is having problems with UE5.0 / 5.1, the comment line under [BlueprintSpawnNodes] is lacking the “;” closing the comment:

; Comment box is bound to C, but that is handled differently due to it needing to work without clicking
+Node=(Class=Actor:ReceiveBeginPlay Key=One Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=KismetSystemLibrary:PrintString Key=P Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)

You can just add the “;” before the first “+Node=(Class” :

; Comment box is bound to C, but that is handled differently due to it needing to work without clicking
;+Node=(Class=Actor:ReceiveBeginPlay Key=One Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)
+Node=(Class=KismetSystemLibrary:PrintString Key=P Shift=false Ctrl=false Alt=false)

I found this error thanks to @ 's video above. I just sent a bug report on this.