Help with noise node in material editor

Hi All,

I was attempting to make a random terrain material using the noise node in the editor. I managed to get some reasonable looking terrain in the material editor, however when running the game the noise pattern was getting recalculated each frame.
Does anyone know how I can get the noise pattern to be generated only once (on start)?

Many thanks!

Apologies for bumping this thread but I am really stuck on this and I cannot make any progress on my game, can anybody point me in the right direction please?

Why don’t you create a noise texture beforehand that you can import as an asset?

When testing the noise node, I have found that if the mesh is stationary the pattern from the noise node stays the same, I assume it must be location based?? This is really troubling me so if anyone knows of any trick to this then please share.

Basically the material will be applied to a sphere and the idea was to have it create an earth like planet, I wanted it to generate random continents when the planet is spawned using a single material. If I use a noise texture it would be the same every time it is spawned. I’m pretty new to the material editor though, so I’m not sure if there is something I am missing?

I don’t think you can get a good “continent”-like look from the noise node anyway. Maybe you could make different continent-shapes as texture assets and then somewhat randomly combine them in your material.

If you want to create continents from scratch in your material I suggest you have a look at this thread: Map Generator 3.0 - Please Critique! - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums!
He creates his continents with blueprints, but maybe this can be an inspiration for you :slight_smile:

I have made a material that works quite alright with the noise node, it does exactly what you want to do. It’s on a computer I won’t be able to reach before the weekend though. Send me a PM if you want the material then, I’ll shoot it your way

Hi Cultrarius, thanks! I actually have got a good continent look from the noise node, if only it would stay the same when I move the mesh. I am familiar with the link you posted and although an incredible piece of work, it is simply overkill for what I am attempting to do. You might be on to something with the different shapes though, at least it is an option. I’ll probably explore making my own perlin noise texture using C++ and assign it at runtime in a MID, was really hoping to avoid doing this though.

You sir are a hero!! I’ll pm you… I’m really curious as to how you achieved it though because when my planet orbits it’s sun, the noise moves as if it is being projected based on the location, how did you get around this?