Update atmospheric fog after move directional lights

I’m currently have on the scene two directional lights: sun and moon. When sun is above landscape, moon is under and when moon is above landscape, sun is under. Both are checked as “Use as atmosphere sun light” because I need to affect atmospheric fog by both lights. Unfortunately it doesn’t work as I expected. When sun is moving under landscape and moon above, atmospheric fog doesn’t update and is not affected by light because sun is under landscape! Then I want “switch” atmospheric fog to affect by moon…

I’ve attached screenshot where you can see what about I’m writing…

Is it possible? I need this to make my dynamic time of day and weather…


One thing to try is to use the same directional light for both but have a transition period where you fade to the new settings.

Another thing is to only have one light visible at a time. Make sure you disable the active light before you enable the new light. Atmosphere will only pick up on the change if you do it in that order, as the engine assumes there is only one directional light.

Thank you DanielW. It helped me! :slight_smile: