Device Position Bug?

“Get Orientation and Position”->“Device Position” return always 0,0,0 its this a bug or i forget something?

position tracking works.

v. 4.4.1 preview.

I’m having the same issue. Been working on this for a while and haven’t found a solution besides rewriting the entire Oculus plugin. Even worse, I have to add the line GEngine->HMDDevice->EnablePositionalTracking(true); just to get the camera to stay on. Doing so causes my camera to become unwelded from its socket and seemingly following head movements, which is very much unwanted, yet I still get 0,0,0 returned from this function. This function actually returned useful values in 4.3. From my delving into the Oculus plugin I can only conclude that its exceedingly poorly written… Been working on this for a while and haven’t found a solution besides rewriting the entire Oculus plugin. They shoved in all kinds of functions to interfere with player cameras and couldn’t get the thing to return a vector and quat correctly.

Hi knack,

Please make this a post on the answerhub at so we can better assist you. Thank you!


Open up OculusRiftHMD.cpp and replace the current version of the function with this:

void FOculusRiftHMD::GetCurrentOrientationAndPosition(FQuat& CurrentOrientation, FVector& CurrentPosition) const
	GetCurrentPose(CurrentOrientation, CurrentPosition);

It at least returns values for me, though I can’t be certain if any extra math should be done to them.