Unreal Engine Looks BAD On Mobile

Hi everyone.

I have had this problem for a long time related to the blurry look in mobile:
Here some comparations:

I made a widget covering the screen with an image with only 9 pixels:
This image:

This Widget:
1234 - Cópia.png

As you can see, in mobile the pixels look blurry.

I have already changed the engine scalabiliti settings but no change.

Can somebody help?

Set r.MobileContentScaleFactor=0 to use native resolution. The default is to use 1280x720 (corrected for actual resolution aspect ratio).

where should I change it, in game console or in some file?

You can put it in DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini. See here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Platforms/Mobile/Performance/

So this is my DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini file:

[Android DeviceProfile]

But no change :(, am I missing something?

If the CVar is set by a higher rule then the one in Android DeviceProfile is overridden. Put in rules for Android_Low, Android_Mid, and Android_High.

You can look at the logcat tagged with UE4 for the profile picked (LogAndroid: Selected Device Profile:), and look for the resolution used (LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support xxxx).

Well added: Android_Low, Android_Mid, and Android_High, also added a Android_Default and its fixed!! :slight_smile:

How can I lower the resolution?

“r.SetRes”, and “sg.ResolutionQuality” doesn’t seem to affect anything
Can “r.MobileContentScaleFactor” be set to negative values?


r.MobileContentScaleFactor=0 is the native resolution of the device. 1.0 is a default resolution (1280x720) so if you want even lower you can set 0.8 or 0.5 or if you want higher you can set for example 1.5 or 2.

Ahhh… makes sense, I remember trying these values a while ago, but it was cutting off half my screen, have you encountered this before?