Flowmaps for skies in Paragon Art Map. Any ideas how to replicate this?

You can see that in the Paragon art map (not used in game) that they have moving skies. It looks like it is a skydome texture driven by a flowmap, instead of scrolling textures. I have been wanting to make a material that uses the Naughty dog method of skies that they described at GDC, but I have been unsuccessful in achieving the same timing of flow then LERP. Does anyone have any suggestions?

You can see the sky in the background below.

You talking about sky clouds in Fornite, right? It looks very pretty, and it definitely use some flow or distortion.
But its material looks complex. I think there is no good advise how to do that. Only with many experiments and adjustments.

I would love more info on this as well. I’m stuck on how to generate the maps I need based on the direction vectors dot product against the binormal. How can I preform this math and get the texture I need? Is this something houdini could do? I think this is the video the op and I are referencing https://youtu.be/o66p1QDH7aI?t=20m24s

for me it looks a little bit redundant.
you can get good results with simple panners and few layers of clouds, and it will be simpler shader and texture setup.

I find panning cloud textures can be quite obvious and repetitive sometimes. Painting flowmaps is quite simple, are you wondering about the material implementation?

I found a really old blog with this material setup, and its pretty close to doing the right thing(Converging on and from a vanishing point). The sides are moving faster than the top area of the dome which should be opposite and there’s a pretty nasty contracting pole at the top though. I’m more wondering how to bake the math in the above video into a flow texture or figure out the issues with the current shader to get rid of the pole and get the top area moving faster than the sides

Edit: Looks like the pole is there to stay, but I’d still really like to know how to get the sides flowing slower than the top.

If you watch the video that Jaston3d linked, they mention the “sky sphincter” problem and that there isn’t really a direct way around it. You can billboard it out or make it so the player can’t look up that high.