Couple years in , still no clue how to read profile data - pls help

  • Created project in 4.14.3
  • Forward Renderer
  • When Oculus Rift CV1 is on, I’m getting 90fps, but when I’m at certain points in the map and move my head from side to side (rather quickly) I get a very quick frametear (I really only noticed it by looking at my green stat numbers)
  • Trying to pinpoint the problem I did stat startfile , stat stopfile and opened up the statfile in session frontend

The spike is clearly visible in the graph view , but I have no clue how to debug or what to look for.

First it seems my GameThread spikes to 22ms
and then quickly thereafter my GPU spikes to 24.78 (mainly due to “Composition before basepass”

Game thread spike seems mainly just Sync Time (“wait for event”) - I would guess GPU would spike first and then CPU would be waiting , but it seems to be the other way around.

Any pointers on how to debug this further? I think I’ve read just about everything there is to read about profiling, but everytime I need to profile my own specific stuff, I seem to fail hard.


Did a little more digging. Ran into this question on the hub which is almost exactly the same issue as I described above.
No answer from Epic staff yet. I’m sure they’ll get around to it once this “issue” picks up more traction, so I’m keeping this thing alive until I found out what is causing this.

Translucency is causing this glitch. (I’m using the Forward Renderer). Setting translucency showflag to 0 prevents the glitch but of course is not a permanent solution.

couple hours later, I think I found my issue.
Separate Translucency was ON in project render settings - switching it OFF got rid of the glitch … for now …
As these things go, I’m still cautiously optimistic for it to return at some point during the night
